Well, this is day 9 of being a single parent. So far, it has been fun, and educational. It has also been a test - for me - to see if I could do it. I mean I know I could, but lets face it, Larissa does most (or a lot) of the stuff around the house. I pretty much get up in the morning and get ready for work, while she dresses the kids and makes breakfast. I am proud and happy to say that I kept most things under control. Dishes were done after almost every meal, the laundry was kept up with, the kids got their baths on a regular basis, and I only went out to eat, um, 4 times....once was out regular Sunday morning breakfast, and another was covered by the Bobers as thanks for helping unload their truck. That leaves two meals which were
I had a great compliment from my step mother about my latest photo
gig, made me grin from ear to ear. I was the official photographer at a friend's wedding recently and while I am always my own worst critic, so far I have received glowing compliments from the bride, and her father as well. As of this post they are not all on the website, but here it is:
Wedding Photos.
I got Hope off to her first day of school successfully, which was a concern as she has a fit last night for about 40 minutes about not wanting to go to school. Oh well, I understand it - been there, done that.
Larissa is back tomorrow, and I think I will pull Hope out about 1 hour early from school so we can ALL go and get her.
One 2 other incidents of note are sort of related....
We had a
worm emergency downstairs. Now for those of you who don't know - Larissa is into vermiculture - which is composting with worms. You take a bin, and add damp shredded newspaper to make a bed, and then add in vegetable and fruit kitchen scraps, and toss in a bunch of red wriggler earthworms. The worms eat the kitchen stuff, and their excrement is fantastic fertilizer. Back to the story.... Larissa was busy with trip preparations and had neglected her worms, well after a while there was no food, and they were living in their own sh#t. So they decided to leave and look for a new home - this meant that there were about 30 worms in various stages of trying to escape the bin (lots still inside though). You can image that after a while the worms sort of dry out. So in a 10 foot area around the bin there were mostly dessicated worms stuck to the floor - some making it farther than others. Now I don't mind Larissa doing her worm thing, but I don't like to participate, but Larissa loves her worms, and I love Larissa, so I jumped into action - well maybe jumped is to strong a word ;) I got some kitchen scraps from the freezer (yes she keeps them in there until the worms need feeding) and put them in the microwave to defrost. We then all got in the car and raced to the nearest Irving Mainway cornerstore (well maybe raced is too strong a word) and bought a Globe and Mail newspaper (you see the shredded newspapeer bedding can't have colour ink, and the G&M has the most B&W pages). We came home and shredded the newspaper, oh wait - the bin is still full of SH#T - I put on a latex glove and carefully moved the crap to one side of the bin, then put the food in on the other side and covered it with the damp shredded newspaper. None have tried to escape since. Must be habitable again.
I rinsed out the container that had the newspaper in it - into the tub sink in the laundry room. Well there must have been a few bits of paper left in the container, and, well, the washing machine drains into that sink... the sink got plugged up, and the laundry water overflowed onto the floor. The kids and I sprang into action (yes sprang is the right word) and used every towel in the house to mop up the water. A little Draino in the right place, and throw in a mop, bucket and dehumidifier and all was well by the end of the day. WHEW! Exciting!