A lot has happened since my last post - where to start...I will try to keep it in reverse chronological order for consistency, so most recent first!
My memory is quite bad actually - so I sorted through some recent photos in order to get some blog fodder.
February brought record snowfall - 90cm ! (the average for Feb. is 50cm) We got a huge storm near the end of the month:

In Feb in Fredericton there is a Winterfest - we didn't have all that much fun the last time we went, so we made our own, and invited a friend of Hope's along:

As Hope gets older, she gets more home work. She is a smart cookie and Larissa has spoken with her teachers to augment her curriculum. She is now working on some of the Grade 3 content.

Looks like some dress up going on here - we have Alex the cowboy, and I suppose Hope is his trust steed. :)

Last but not least - they are still trying to get our bathroom right - don't get me started.

January was quiet, we sent skating a couple of times with our new skates, and kept the bird feeders going. We get quite a few types of birds, and they are fun to watch. As always I was playing around with a camera or two - here are some shots of the kids, and the birds.

December was a busy month, with Christmas Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Concert, and even a Christmas Storm!
Christmas this year was great! It was low key - not too many gifts, and between families we somehow got away with not preparing a big meal.

Christmas Eve was spent at my sister's house (Mariecke). We always have fondue on Christmas eve. ALWAYS (well I might be lying, I think we delayed it a couple of days one year because Mariecke arrived on the 26th or something - but only once!)
Larissa's mom, Marnie, joined us out east for Christmas this year as well. It was a full house that night with Randall's parents as well - fun!.

Dec. 22 2008 saw a huge storm hit the Maritimes, the worst part about it was the wind. At about 2am, Larissa woke me up to show me something. Our 10x20 foot temporary garage was blown into the back yard - and resting upside down partially against the shed. The amazing thing was that it missed our power lines, and our neighbour's as well. Another amazing thing was that even though our van was inside at the time, it only sustained minor damage ($1500 estimate). The auto shelter was weighted down with 6 concrete cinder blocks - the whole think must have been blown up and over in one motion. 180 degrees in the air, about 20 feet into the back yard and over a 6 foot fence. It could have been worse, it could have jumped up and down on the van, it could have taken out power lines, etc. We watched it for about 45 min. in the middle of the night as the wind blew it back and forth - a few feet from the bottom-most lines (probably phone). We decided it was not safe to go out and try to cut the tarpaulin cover - we were hoping to disable the massive kite. Oh, we didn't get another one. We won't get another one.

Dec. 17th
Hope participated in her school's Christmas concert, it was fun to see her on stage. Here she is beside a couple of her friends.

End of Nov:
Apparently Hope had the little digital camera, and wandered around the house snapping away. Here is a photos of Larissa (which I converted into BW)

- André