Last month while Larissa was Hennaing for the Boys and Girls club, the kids and I played in the adjacent park….
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
My own school photos. :p
I have taken to snubbing the school photos of the kids, and taking my own. I like them better and so does Larissa.
Here they are!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Kids @ Hayes Falls
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Trip to St. Andrews with Friends
What an adventure 2 adults and 5 kids aged 9 and under. I missed the turn off and ended up going on 4 to 630 then down to 1 and back over to 127, instead of just taking 3 to 127. Oh, and we had one roadside shower after Cassidy tossed her cookies. :)
All was well until Alex had to join in the fun and leave his cookies at the playground :P
Poor kids…..poor adults….
In the end we all had fun, and made it back in one piece.
Ladybug Release
What the heck it that!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Bushwhacking in Western NB
We arrived and had a chat, and soon set out on a ‘little’ tour of the property. I wouldn’t say we got lost, we just over shot our destination a couple of times ;)
We had a great trek, found a part of a moose skull, and had a tangle with some bald face hornets. Most of us thought of this as a fun, but long adventure – until the hornets showed up. Lucky for everyone else, that Larissa is a magnet for bugs of any kind. I think we actually stopped on their nest! Larissa got 8-12 stings and the rest of us were spared – thanks Larissa!
Unfortunately it wasn’t enough to just get stung repeatedly, she had to go and develop a skin infection from it – poor girl.
After the ‘adventure’ we relaxed and had a great lunch, and then time just slipped away….
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
PEI trip #2
Our second trip to PEI was with 3 other families (14 people – 8 adults and 6 kids) in a fantastic 5 bedroom ‘Villa’ for 1 week in July. It was awesome!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
More practice on the bikes
We went out again tonight for some fresh air, and more practice biking. Alex is learning fast! Here are some more photos….
Friday, April 9, 2010
The bikes are out – and the training wheels are off!
Alex has been making great progress on his bike – without training wheels! We went over to the school last night and he is now starting himself without a push from Dad. I am so proud!
Hope has outgrown her bike and we are on the search for a new one…we may even have one this weekend for her!
I can see this will be a great summer for bike riding :)
Thursday, February 25, 2010 video of Hope skiing.... :)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
More Skiing! The Kids are Fantastic!
We (Me, Hope, Alex, Mariecke, Elizabeth, and Aylish) went to Crabbe Mountain today to put the kids in lessons. The 3 biggest kids got suited up and had a great time. It
was snowing quiet a bit – big flakes, and it was close to freezing. It was a beautiful day! Hope was the only one in her lesson and took off to the big hill, while Alex and Elizabeth were on the little hill in the same class – just the 2 of them.
Here are a few photos from the morning…the kids just love skiing, and it was great to see Hope and Alex skiing together after their lessons were over.
While the lessons we going on, Mariecke, Aylish and I were in the lounge watching and taking photos (and video). It was a really nice morning!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Old Skis - New Skis
Unfortunately they (Ski Wolf) missed the checking out part and only did the tuning up part. When I got to the Ski hill on Sunday, I could not put my boot into the binding. Something obviously wrong - seems broken and unfixable. Ahh well, these things happen.
What really rubs me the wrong way is that they did not inspect the ENTIRE ski, and proceeded to do a tune up on an unusable ski, which I had the priviledge of paying 30+ dollars for.
When I went to complain about their lack of attention to detail, they pulled the work slip - which said only 'tune-up'. It did note that I dropped off a boot as well.....hmm wonder why.... They just looked at me and said - we did what was on the slip. All I know is, I didn't fill out the slip, they did. I also know that I told them that I hadn't skied for a few years, and I needed an inspection and a tune up. I also said this over the phone before I came in. They suggested that they could maybe talk to the owner (?) and they could maybe put the value of the tune up toward purchasing new skis - since I hadn't skied on them. Haven't heard back from them yet.
Nice. Well, I am not going back there (Ski Wolf).
On a happier note, I may have found a great pair of skis at Sport Chek - New 2007 Volkl AC3 Unlimited.
I will update soon!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentines Day Trip to Crabbe Mtn.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Skiing at last!
The kids were both interested in going skiing, and we finally took them out this weekend. Larissa went with our kids and the Leavitts for an hour lesson on Saturday. I joined them today (Sunday). When I say I joined them – none of the adults actually went skiing, we took the kids.
Today the weather was nicer, and we brought along the video camera – Larissa was the expert operator, and we got about 20 min of tape. Hope had a fantastic time and we are all floored by her ability and progress. Please keep in mind that I spent a couple of hours with her when she was maybe 4 years old, and then she had an hour yesterday, and another hour today. Here is a clip of Hope on the bunny hill during her lesson at Crabbe Mountain.
I will also be hitting the slopes soon....
Here is a clip of Alex - also during his lesson!