My computer has mostly been found and just setup - yay!
The woodworker is coming on monday to refinish the entranceway stairs. So, tomorrow is dedicated to setting up the house to function for 3 days upstairs only.
We have decided to finish the large 'storage' area before setting up shelves, etc. 1/2 of this can then be Larissa's office.
We will be having the massive yard sale - we realized than not only do we have too much stuff for this house - we just have too much stuff!
Here are some photos:

Photos were taken Thursday morning; (left to right from the top) - storage room, family room, office, living room, living room, kitchen, kitchen.
1 comment:
Oh my goodness! Such a crazy ride! I think of you all lots and check in on you quite often! Take care, Leanne and Jess, Calgary! :)
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