The only problem is - you have to take care...there is very little working room, and you have to be really still...a tripod is a must. (I didn't use one here) and the last thing is that only a small distance from the lens is in focus (this is called the depth of field). As you can see here, the centre is not in focus because it is closer than the other parts of the body, and the edges are not in focus 'cause they are farther away. I honestly haven't really used it much yet, but I am sure I will find something that looks interesting REALLY close up!
I started a 3 month contract job at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital. I am helping over the summer when the vacations increase, in the Help Desk and Technician areas. Someone has a problem (computer related) and they call the Help Desk - I either answer the phone, and send someone to help them if I can't - or - I am the one who gets sent out by someone else. In my last job, I used to do a bit of everything (from Help desk to building servers), and this job focuses on the first line support, but for a much larger organization. There are about 4000 employees and about 25 sites, the biggest being the Fredericton Hospital. So far so good - I have been there for 8 days. I am riding my bike where possible, I rode 3 days so far, but I have been a little sick (not surprising because of the germs there!), and Larissa has been driving me to work - I bus it home (about an hour). The bike ride is about 35 min there and 30 min home. There is a HUGE hill in the middle of the ride - I walk it - takes about 15 min. to climb the hill.
I am starting to play with the idea of Greeting cards - here is a sample:

There is a craft association here who has a location downtown, and they consign local artists work. After inquiring, they suggested I contact them for next season as they are already organized this year. I should have a nice portfolio of Fredericton / New Brunswick cards for next year!
Aunt Marg came to visit, and the first thing I did (the next day) after she arrived from her red eye flight (and 90 min drive to Fredericton) was to stuff her back in the car and drive 2 hours to St. Andrews to go to a Photo club outing at the Kingsbrae Gardens. It is beautiful there - a nice day weather wise, but too much sun for photos. Here are a couple of samples of what I got (I took more photos on film that hasn't been developed yet):

Alex finger painting one morning while Hope was at school:

Wonderful OPA gave Hope a new bike for her birthday! Wow, is she ever growing. I looked at the sizing chart, after estimating her inseam to be about 22" - it suggested a 16" wheel size. This is the size she has grown out of - so now she has a big persons bike - 20" wheels, 5 gears, front shocks, and hand brakes! Here is Hope and Alex on their bikes (notice the lack of a couple of teeth in Hope's smile!):

I was playing around with a new (cheap) medium format film I bought - I haven't decided if I like it yet. Here are a couple of photos from the backyard - I gave myself the assignment of textures and patterns:

Recently we have had a few HOT days - and so, out comes the sprinkler! Hope and Elizabeth had fun in the sprinkler together, while Alex got naked and ran around. Aylish was just not too sure about the water. Of course I (dad) had my camera to capture the kids and the backlit water droplets.

Last but not least, Hope turns 6 today, and celebrated with a party last weekend! There was 'pin the tail on the horse', cheesecake, food, a little henna, and general mayhem. Thanks to all who came and made it a great time!

Whew! Can't wait for July! We have Canada Day, a PEI trip, and OPA comes!
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