At the End of November - Hope Playing in the snow...
The kids were excited to get our first little bit of snow - maybe an inch. It was enough to make some snow angels and slide around. Even dad made some snow angles with Hope. I had to take these shots 'cause Hope's face was the same colour as her Jacket! By this time Alex had vanished inside.

December 1st - Annual Pre-Xmas Party (and my b-day!)
Our party this year was a little late - we try to have it in the middle of November but we were a little late this year. The party is for friends, family and neighbours - kids welcome. We always collect 'food bank' food...this year we got 69 pieces...and had lots of fun!

We began to put up the tree the day after the party - well we got the tree and the lights up. The next day we (ah..mainly the kids) put on the decorations..... It was Alex's first time, as we were in transit last year, and the year before - well - he was 18 months old. :)
-by André
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